The Rye Public Library is located at 581 Washington Road in Rye’s Town Center. Our parking lot is accessed from Olde Parish Road.
If you are coming from Route 1 in Portsmouth, heading South from the traffic circle:
Drive south 4 miles,“ turn left on to Lang Road, at stop sign turn right onto Washington Road, go 200 feet, after fire station turn right on to Olde Parish Road. Parking is on the immediate left.
If you are on the coast:
Washington Road is the most direct route from either the north or the south. It is 3.5 miles south from Odiorne Point State Park and 1 mile north of Rye Harbor. Take Washington Road to the Stop sign, drive straight past the school and Lang Road. After the Fire Station turn right onto Olde Parish Road. Parking is on the immediate left
Directions from I-95, heading South:
Take Exit 3B -“ Greenland, turn“ left onto route 33 / 101. At 2nd light / truckstop take left onto Ocean Road. At the next set of lights turn left onto Route 1. Travel 200 feet and turn right at Gas station/Lang Road. At stop sign turn right onto Washington Road, go 200 feet, after fire station turn right on to Olde Parish Road. Parking is on the immediate left.
If you are driving North from Hampton on Route 1:
Turn Right at Light at Breakfast Hill, travel 2 miles on Washington Road to the stop sign at the center of town. Continue straight, the church will be on your right–the library is across the road from the church. Drive past the front of the library and take Olde Parish Road on the left. Parking is on the immediate left.